Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trees 101: The Apple/Crabapple

Apples are an ancient fruit and have long been used in magick. The apple, as everyone knows, was represented in the story of Adam and Eve and is also associated with the Great Mother Goddess. In the folk tales of many cultures, eating an apple opened the gateway to another realm for the lucky person consuming the fruit. Apples symbolize illumination and knowledge and apple wood is believed to make a very powerful wand.

Apple is one of the nine sacred woods of the sabbat fire in which it symbolizes love. Apples are a common ingredient in Pagan ritual and spellwork. Slice an apple in half across its middle and what will you find? The seeds laid out in the shape of the pentagram. Apples are given as offerings to the dead at Samhain to aid them in the process of rebirth. And the game of bobbing for apples at Halloween was first played in ancient times: if you were lucky enough to win, it meant that you would be blessed by the Goddess for a full year.

Apples bring prosperity and the good life and are believed to be good for the digestion.

The apple tree is ruled by Venus and the goddess and its energy is feminine. Apple vibrates to the elements of both air and water. Besides being used for prosperity and a healthy tummy, apples can be used to attract a lover, to cross over into the faery realm and to foster strength and protection.


VintageSage said...

I think I am going to go buy an Apple tree now. Lol! Great facts!! :)

Victoria said...

We have an apple tree on our property that's over a hundred years old. Apparently there was a whole grove at one point, but this is the only tree left and one is better than none, though I'm not sure how much longer it will be okay as it's WAY on borrowed time at this point. We love it to pieces and make pies from the fruit in the fall and then we give all the dropped apples to a friend who has sheep that would KILL for the rotten ones so nothing goes to waste We haven't figured out what kind of apples they are. No one recognizes them- they're some mysterious heirloom breed!!! lol :]