Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hawthorn Samhain Lore

Never sleep or rest on the ground beneath the boughs of a hawthorn tree on Halloween as it's believed that evil spirits and mischievous faeries who are roaming the earth that night hide within the branches of hawthorn trees and cast unpleasant spells on those who innocently stop to rest beneath them.

"Faerie Hawthorne" photograph by the brilliant Giles C. Watson on flickr. Check out his work, I promise you won't be disappointed!


CatHerder said...

what an awesome shot of that tree!

Victoria said...

Every photo he takes is amazing!

Judith said...

I've heard that before, also if you fall asleep under a willow tree.. and dream... your dreams will come true

Victoria said...

Oooo, that one is nicer!!!