Friday, July 9, 2010

Saturn in Virgo

I've been reading some of the comments I received for yesterday's post and have been giving Life (with a capital L) some serious thought. I tend to do this all the time anyways, but for the last few hours I seem to be dwelling on it even a bit more than I usually do. One remark in particular is resonating with me, that 'strange events are making it very difficult to continue on our intended life path' (thanks Vipera).

I hadn't given a tremendous amount of thought to the fact that Saturn is wrapping up its stint in Virgo later this month (July 21). Sure, I had in passing thought of a few dramatic changes that I made when Saturn first entered this sign back in September of 2007, as well some closure I've been having with other aspects of my life lately whose timing was at first suspect. But did I dig much deeper? No. Clearly, this is an event that is stirring up some chaos in our lives. Maybe only chaos on a personal level that wouldn't mean much to others, but can be, for ourselves, quite dramatic and often upsetting.

Saturn is the planet that rules our endings and completions. And Virgo is the astrological sign of order, fussiness and getting things accomplished. Together these two are very powerful at propelling us along our life's path towards our personal destinies and seeing things through to their ultimate conclusion. This is the perfect time to reflect on what is important in your life, to jettison what you no longer need and to accept those things that you cannot easily change because maybe, just maybe, you are meant to carry these things with you a bit longer than you had planned. If Saturn isn't seeing fit to guide you to a conclusion right now, then you simply aren't ready for it to happen yet. You may not like what Saturn is throwing in your face right now, but keep in mind that in just under two weeks Saturn will be in Libra, which is a gentler, more compassionate and emotionally balanced sign that will hopefully help to iron out the weird turns of event that many of us seem to be experiencing as the end of this current phase approaches.

Photo courtesy of evinoryan88 on flickr.


John Webb said...

The idea of fate breaking into a person's tidy world is very common in fairy tales.

A classic example is Grimms Frog King. The little princess was playing happily with her ball, and then, accidentally (fate) she drops her ball down a well. What a nuisance.

In Celtic beliefs, as I'm sure you know, wells are the places where people get in touch with the unseen, and have strange experiences. [Not that remote from oil wells which symbolise the riches of the unconscious streaming to the surface.]

The little girl then meets a helpful frog, which she perceives as another nuisance, and her adventure continues.

In terms of your own life, it's as though your unconscious mind wants you to do something (of which you are unconscious or may be resisting), and it's brought that duckling into your life in order to focus your attention.

John Webb said...

My apologies for hijacking your blog yesterday. There were some things about Macondo I wanted to say. I should have used my own blog. I'll do a post on there.

I hope Donald is doing OK.

Victoria said...

No apologies needed! I love to read your blog AND your comments here. Very thought-provoking and well-spoken.

John Webb said...

I've put my Macondo comments, with some stuff about beliefs, on my Weaving and Magic blog. It's not really about nature - more about gypsy magic if anything.